Tag Archives: ผลิตเหล็ก


SSI Teesside started warming up hot blast stoves Aims Atlantic and Thailand high-grade demand – Steel market uptrend

          SSI Teesside plant reaches a big milestone, started warming up hot blast stoves to be ready for subsequent blast furnace blow in, work completed over 90%, good market timing as steelRead More…


SSI Reached 25 Million Tons – Highest Record of Steel Produced in Thailand, / Innovates for Value-added Products, Proven as a Steel Leader at World Class Level

SSI becomes the first steel manufacturer in Thailand, to achieve again a historical record of 25 million tons accumulated production of hot-rolled coil. With its workforce highly motivated and focused in continuousRead More…


SSI Records highest HRC Production

With the strong growth of steel consumption, Sahaviriya Steel Industries Plc. (SSI) has been able to secure an increasing number of Commercial contracts in both domestic and international markets. In order toRead More…